Wednesday, 30 August 2017

Whitework progress - Homework completed!

Working on the diagonal drawn filling:  In my previous blog I mentioned that I stopped work on this stitch as I thought the desired effect between the rows was not showing up very well with the single strand of cotton and at the smaller scale.  Having sampled this stitch at a larger scale (over 3 threads) and smaller scale with coton a broder no.30 and the  S5200 rayon threads I have a comparison of sizing and threads.  I want to use the stranded cotton in this section so my next sample tries the larger scale with 2 strands of B5200 cotton.  This seems to working well, so onto my proper piece of work.

Thirty minutes of unpicking the small scale stitch, then two hours later, both sections of the larger scale diagonal drawn filling completed!.  PHEW!!!

Leaf shapes for left & right hand sides
completed with diagonal drawn filling
and diagonal cross filling

Now onto the filling stitch on the drawn threads.

Lace Pattern Knotting on drawn thread work
The right hand side is a variation of the Lace Pattern with Knotting, worked with a single strand of DMC Light Effects E5200.   Worked across the diagonals one way, then again in the opposite direction to form a diagonal cross in the gap of the drawn threads.  This motif took four hours to complete.


Russian Drawn Filling on drawn thread work
The left hand side is Russian drawn filling, this is worked to form an upright cross in the gaps of the drawn threads.  Three hours to complete this section.

Pulled and Drawn Thread work completed 30 August

That is the planned pulled work and drawn thread work completed in time for my lesson with Tracy.  I feel very relieved to have caught up with my homework.  So far I have spent 81 hours on this section. 

Decision time, do I amend the plan and stitch the large stems with pulled work???  I like the effect of the single reverse faggot stitch and this would be suitable for one stem, but what would be a suitable stitch for  the other stem?

Tuesday, 29 August 2017

More Whitework progress

Well I seem to have put a spurt on...

I have completed almost all of the planned pulled work: I am working through the stitching plan as well as keeping a diary of the days and hours on each section. 

The leaf shapes in the centre, will use two pulled work stitches (a: diagonal drawn filling & b: diagonal cross filling).  T he large motifs in the central section will use four different stitches. The right hand side faggot stitch and honeycomb darning, the left hand side four sided stitch  and wave stitch. 

The intention is to have all these sections (and the drawn thread work) completed for my next lesson with Tracy.

Two days of concerted effort have brought great rewards.  

I have practised wave stitch and honeycomb darning before so was confident that I could work them straight onto my final piece in an afternoon (25 August).  I am reasonably happy with the result.  

left hand side stitching

right hand side stitching
The 26 August was a mega stitching day, I managed the single faggot and four sided stitch in the morning, completing the parts of the large motif.  I decided to keep on working in the afternoon focusing on the leaf shapes.  

I like the effect of the single faggot on the reverse of the work and am tempted to use this on one of the main stems - it will be a lot of extra work but the effect could be lovely!

The diagonal cross filling worked well, so I started the diagonal drawn filling on the left hand side.  I find this stitch quite tricky to do as the starting the second row in the right place is crucial!

Having worked for 9 hours I was getting very tired and I wasn't sure if the scale of the stitch or the single strand of cotton  was correct so decided to leave it for another day.

I was also mindful that I have lots of other things to do in preparation for the Isobel Hall workshop with the Guild on 10 September.... and somehow I got talked into demonstrating some whitework stitches for the Take a Stitch session on 16 September.  That's a big worry for me as I like to be well prepared and means I will have to do several different scale samplers as well as plan stuff to do for the group.

Thursday, 24 August 2017

Whitework progress: 24 August 2017

Net darning
I finally got to grips with the next stage of stitching on the net. The aim for this week was to complete the stars (flower shapes). 

I seemed to spend ages (several hours) drawing star shapes on hexagon patterned paper getting the order of movement right to get an even pattern above and below the surface.... 

Having tried several attempts on the nylon net, I eventually felt confident enough to move onto the silk net.  This will be used on my final piece. The silk net hexagons are not as uniform as the nylon net so can be difficult to follow a straight line.  My first piece was very wonky, so it was abandoned!

Fortunately I only need a small area of stitched pattern, about 8cm by 4cm.   By pinning calico to the edges of the net I was able to secure it more firmly in the hoop.  I worked the pattern in two horizontal runs, first stitching the top arms of the shape moving from right to left, then returning along the row to stitch the lower arms from left to right.  It seems like I have spent all week on this section, but when I got it (how to do the stitching) the finished piece only took an afternoon to do.

I really like the finished pattern on the net.  I hope it will work on the final white work.

Next bit, start doing the pulled work on my proper piece of work.   Will I get enough done before my September lesson with Tracy?

Friday, 18 August 2017

Whitework Sampling

Having almost got to the end of my piece of whitework in June (with Tracy A Franklin in Durham), I decided I didn't like some parts of the design or the different shades of white I had used so abandoned it and started again... 

I decided to only go for bright white threads, dumped the 'blanc' threads and changed the linen from 'antique white' to 'white' but still using the 32 count.  I liked most of the stitches I had already used and would incorporate these in the new design, but I wanted to include more drawn thread work and some net darning as well as the pulled work and surface stitching.  

Outline sketch of new design
Back to the drawing board for a new design with more thoughts on placements of different stitches before needle touched the fabric.  No more making it up on the hoof!  By 2nd July I had come up with this idea:  

I like the idea of the main stems curling around each other, with some of the smaller stems in front of others, and I wanted to have more balance by having similar shapes on both sides of the design, but without being too symmetrical.  

Drawn threads from original sample with 'lace weaving'
working at half scale,
withdrawing two horizontal and vertical threads

My final lesson with Tracy was supposed to be on 5th July.  But having decided to start again I have signed up for another set of lesson to start in September.  However, by this final session and with much relief I had come up with a new stitch plan!  I wanted to keep the lace weaving on one of the drawn thread wok sections, so needed something different for its partner.

Sampling the new motif for drawn thread work

Russian drawn filling on new sample
I really like this filling stitch - it took a bit of working out... This was a whole day's work!  On the finished piece the threads will be secured on the underside.

The plan for the summer break was to do LOTS of sampling for the new stitches, and make progress with the drawn thread work and pulled thread work on my actual piece.
So how far did I get?

Today is 18 August - progress:
The linen is on the slate frame (two hours), the design has been applied with the tack and tear method (five hours), the threads have been drawn and secured from the top two motifs (eight hours).

Net darning with one strand of stranded cotton
I have sampled some net darning for the middle leaf motif:
I do like this stitch although this section when finish is only 8cm by 4cm and it took ten hours to complete!  I am practising a similar sized section with stars, no photo yet as my attempts are rubbish so far.

My next lesson with Tracy is on 8 September, I have sooooo much to do!