Tuesday, 29 August 2017

More Whitework progress

Well I seem to have put a spurt on...

I have completed almost all of the planned pulled work: I am working through the stitching plan as well as keeping a diary of the days and hours on each section. 

The leaf shapes in the centre, will use two pulled work stitches (a: diagonal drawn filling & b: diagonal cross filling).  T he large motifs in the central section will use four different stitches. The right hand side faggot stitch and honeycomb darning, the left hand side four sided stitch  and wave stitch. 

The intention is to have all these sections (and the drawn thread work) completed for my next lesson with Tracy.

Two days of concerted effort have brought great rewards.  

I have practised wave stitch and honeycomb darning before so was confident that I could work them straight onto my final piece in an afternoon (25 August).  I am reasonably happy with the result.  

left hand side stitching

right hand side stitching
The 26 August was a mega stitching day, I managed the single faggot and four sided stitch in the morning, completing the parts of the large motif.  I decided to keep on working in the afternoon focusing on the leaf shapes.  

I like the effect of the single faggot on the reverse of the work and am tempted to use this on one of the main stems - it will be a lot of extra work but the effect could be lovely!

The diagonal cross filling worked well, so I started the diagonal drawn filling on the left hand side.  I find this stitch quite tricky to do as the starting the second row in the right place is crucial!

Having worked for 9 hours I was getting very tired and I wasn't sure if the scale of the stitch or the single strand of cotton  was correct so decided to leave it for another day.

I was also mindful that I have lots of other things to do in preparation for the Isobel Hall workshop with the Guild on 10 September.... and somehow I got talked into demonstrating some whitework stitches for the Take a Stitch session on 16 September.  That's a big worry for me as I like to be well prepared and means I will have to do several different scale samplers as well as plan stuff to do for the group.

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